

Explore Python programming and its applications in machine learning, deep learning, and computer vision.


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Python for Medical Physics

Python is important in medical physics for tasks like medical imaging, radiation therapy, and AI-driven diagnostics. Its libraries help with complex calculations and handling of medical images, while deep learning improves diagnostic accuracy.

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Transformers 101

A Guide to the Most Popular Models in AI In recent years, transformer models have revolutionized machine learning and natural language processing (NLP) fields. From improving search engines and chatbots to enhancing medical diagnostics and even creating human-like text, transformers have set new benchmarks for AI performance. But with so

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A Beginner's Guide to Generative Adversarial Networks(GANS)

What are GANs? Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) are artificial intelligence algorithms used in unsupervised machine learning.  Introduced by Ian Goodfellow and his colleagues in 2014, they consist of two neural networks: the generator and the discriminator. The generator's task is to produce new data samples, whereas the discriminator

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Inductive Logic Programming

Inductive Logic Programming (ILP) is a subfield of machine learning and artificial intelligence that combines concepts from both logic programming and machine learning. It focuses on learning logic programs from examples and background knowledge, to induce general rules or hypotheses that accurately describe a given set of observations. Underlying Concepts:

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Python for Medical Physics

Python for Medical Physics

Python is important in medical physics for tasks like medical imaging, radiation therapy, and AI-driven diagnostics. Its libraries help with complex calculations and handling of medical images, while deep learning improves diagnostic accuracy.

4 min read
Transformers 101

Transformers 101

A Guide to the Most Popular Models in AI In recent years, transformer models have revolutionized machine learning and natural language proces

3 min read
A Beginner's Guide to Generative Adversarial Networks(GANS)

A Beginner's Guide to Generative Adversarial Networks(GANS)

What are GANs? Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) are artificial intelligence algorithms used in unsupervised machine learning.  Introduc

3 min read
Inductive Logic Programming

Inductive Logic Programming

Inductive Logic Programming (ILP) is a subfield of machine learning and artificial intelligence that combines concepts from both logic programm

3 min read
Understanding Precision and Recall

Understanding Precision and Recall

Precision and recall are two fundamental metrics used to evaluate the performance of classification models in machine learning and deep learnin

3 min read
Understanding Overfitting in Machine Learning

Understanding Overfitting in Machine Learning

Overfitting is a common problem in machine learning and deep learning where a model learns the training data too well, to the extent that it ca

3 min read
Introduction to Cross Validation

Introduction to Cross Validation

Cross-validation is a crucial technique in machine learning for evaluating the performance of a predictive model. It involves partitioning the

2 min read
Random Forest vs Decision Trees

Random Forest vs Decision Trees

If you are new to machine learning, you may have come across the terms random forest classifier and decision trees and are now curious about th

2 min read
Computer Vision vs Computer Graphics

Computer Vision vs Computer Graphics

In the realm of digital technology, two closely related yet distinct fields play crucial roles in shaping our interaction with computers: compu

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Computer Vision Concepts Explained

Computer Vision Concepts Explained

Computer vision is a field in computer science and artificial intelligence that works to transform how machines perceive and interpret visual i

3 min read
Reinforcement Learning Concepts

Reinforcement Learning Concepts

What is Reinforcement learning? Reinforcement learning is a machine learning technique where an agent interacts with an environment to learn

2 min read
Machine Learning vs Deep Learning

Machine Learning vs Deep Learning

Machine learning and deep learning are both subfields of artificial intelligence (AI) that involve training algorithms to learn patterns and ma

3 min read

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